PlusPortals - ParentPlus & StudentPlus Web Portals
Fully Integrated with our AdminPlus student information system and TeacherPlus gradebooks, PlusPortals interactive web portals enable teachers to instantly share data and engage with parents and students in a secure environment. Parents only need one login to view all of their children’s data, class pages, calendars, etc.
New families, look for your parent log-in information in a summer email.
PlusPortals FAQ
You need to have a valid email account on file with the school office to receive a link to activate your PlusPortals account.
Use the PlusPortals link above to access your account or type in your browser’s address bar.
If you forget your password, click on the “Can’t Access Your Account?” link on the login page. Type in your username (email address) and reset your password.
If your email address changes, you need to contact the school to update your email information. Once your new email is synced with the database, you can use it to log-in to PlusPortals with the “Can’t Access My Account” link. This will prompt you to set a password for the updated email address.
The new PlusPortals tabs allow parents to access different student information: ----
Overview: Displays current class averages, recent scores, attendance overview, and discipline incidents overview
Classroom: Displays class page items, specfic performance/grade details, and any posted progress reports for class selected in the drop-down menu
School: Displays attendance details, discipline details, and student demographics
The following link has interactive videos to help you navigate the PlusPortals:
Teachers may list upcoming homework/assignments in PlusPortals. Not all daily homework/assignments are available in PlusPortals.
Yes, you can access PlusPortals from any device with an Internet connection; visit the site and log in with any typical web browser. There is an app for iOS or Android available through iTunes or Google Play. You can locate the app by searching for “ParentPlus” and/or “Rediker.”
Use the Email link to email teachers. Click “New Email” and “Add Recipients” to view a list of teachers. Click to choose one or more recipients. Emails are sent from your own email address.
You can also use the Directory link to search the Staff Directory for email addresses.
Please contact the school office if you need to update your demographic information.