Tuition & Fees
2024-25 Tuition
- PreK3 – 7th Grade: $10,500.00 per student
- 8th Grade: $10,800.00 per student
- Multi-child Discount: $1,000.00 per student
Non-Refundable Fees
- Registration Fee: $600.00 per student
- Technology & Security Fee: $500.00 per student
- iPad Insurance & Case: $100.00 per student
The cost of tuition is based on the per pupil cost, and is calculated upon the school’s expenses, including salaries, benefits, professional development, maintenance, utilities, supplies, property liability, food and cafeteria, etc. Tuition rates include fees for enrichment, guidance, academics, and capital improvements. Tuition is paid in 10 monthly installments using the family FACTS account.
Fundraising is a critical part of the school’s financial health. Tuition and fees alone do not suffice to support the school. We expect each family to participate in fundraising endeavors.
Active parishioners of the Church who participate in the faith life of the parish by giving fully of their time, talent, and treasure and by regularly attending Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation may be eligible for a discretionary tuition reduction.
Scholarships & Financial Aid
All families are encouraged to apply for the Step Up for Students Scholarship and complete a FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment Application. Financial Aid may be available for school families if denied by Step Up. All forms and supporting documentation must be submitted to be considered for potential financial aid. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration for the upcoming school year.
2022-23 Per Pupil Cost: $7,600
2022-23 Tuition Assistance Given: $600,000+
For questions regarding tuition and fees, please contact Dr. Nekeisha Bascombe in our Business Office at (954) 941-4844 or