House Program
The St. Coleman House Program was introduced during the 2021-2022 school year. Every middle school student in grades 7-8 is sorted into one of four Houses: St. Francis, St. Joan of Arc, St. Sebastian, or St. Teresa. In keeping with our Catholic faith, each House aligns with the life of a patron saint that our students found to be inspiring and worth modeling.
Houses compete throughout the year to earn points for their team. Points can be earned by winning weekly competitions, making good grades, earning service hours, participating at Mass, showing positive behavior, being involved in clubs/sports, or attending St. Coleman School events. The top House wins a special field trip at the end of the year!
Each of the Houses is led by three elected 8th grade captains: House Captain, Activities Captain, and Service Captain. Together, these twelve students make up the House Board. Being a member of House Board is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn leadership skills. House Board members are truly in charge of their Houses; they run weekly meetings, track points, and plan competitions.
All SCS staff members are also sorted into a House and the elementary grades spend the year cheering for the House associated with their classroom teacher. The SCS House Program is truly helping to light the way for our student leaders!

Welcome to the House of St. Francis!
The House of St. Francis is named in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis is known as the patron saint of animals and the environment, which is why we wear the color green. St. Francis is a beloved saint who left behind a wealthy and comfortable life to follow God’s call and devote his life to rebuilding the worldwide Church. Members of our House seek to follow our saint’s example by keeping our hearts open to God’s call in our own lives every day. St. Francis, pray for us!
House Motto
“A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.” -St. Francis
Our 23-24 Captains
Chantal - House Captain
I love being a leader and being house captain is a part of that. House is a grat opportunity to meet new people and become friends with new students. The House of St. Francis stands out because we never forget to turn in our house points! Shoutouts to Savannah for her energy and Fabi for her smarts.
Fabiana - Service Captain
I love being involved in the house program, even before I was a captain. I want to be a good example for the 7th graders and enjoy meeting new friends. The House of St. Francis stands out because of our good sportsmanship!
Savannah - Activities Captain
Being a house captain is something I have been looking forward to for 2 years. I have always liked being a leader and helping out and I love hoe house brings the 7th and 8th graders closer together. The House of St. Frances is always a positive, happy environment where everyone is cheering for each other and we all come together to win!

Alumni Testimonials
Ava Masri - Class of 2022
Hi! My name is Ava Masri and I was a part of the green house of St. Francis. I loved many things about this program but most of all I loved how each week we got to play a new game that we never played before, and it was always so much fun! Something I learned from being a part of green house is that we don’t always need to win to have a good time. To the future members of green house: Be encouraging to your teammates and make new friends in your house!
Ryan Nero - Class of 2022
I was the activity captain last year and we were able to win a couple of events… this year hopefully we are better! I loved the teamwork that the events required, and the competitiveness. I learned more about St. Francis.


Welcome to the House of St. Joan of Arc!
The yellow House is named in honor of St. Joan of Arc. St. Joan was a courageous teenager who laid down her life for her unwavering belief in God. Her example inspires the members of our House to be fearless and to never miss an opportunity to stand up for what is right. St. Joan of Arc is the patron saint of many things including youth, those who are ridiculed for their faith, and those in need of courage. St. Joan of Arc, pray for us and give us courage!
House Motto
"Go forward bravely. Fear nothing." -St. Joan of Arc
Our 23-24 Captains
Vin - House Captain
I wanted to be a captain because I enjoy being in the background seeing how everything works and helping everyone have fun. Shoutout to everyone in the House of St. Joan of Arc for their positivity and participation in house games.
Andy - Activities Captain
My favorite thing about house is the opportunity to be a good leader example and to help everyone. The House of St. Joan of Arc is filled with students that are both very athletic and very smart! A shoutout to the teachers that help us make house possible.
Maria Clara - Service Captain
My favorite thing about house is how everyone works as a team and cheers each other on; we are all united. The House of St. Joan of Arc stands out because we have a different energy than the other houses and we are super supportive of eachother. Shout outs to Emilia, Gia, Roxy, and Ruby because their kindness makes our house a House.

Alumni Testimonials
Avery Paton - Class of 2022
I was a part of St. Joan of Arc and I loved the House competition. I thought it was very fun to get outside every week and compete with your classmates. Sadly, St. Joan of Arc didn’t win much, so what I took out of House was that even if you’re not always winning you can still make the best out of it!
Caroline Findley - Class of 2022
I loved that House brought the grades together and we got to spend time with each other in the day. I learned leadership skills by helping and encouraging the people in my House.

Welcome to the House of St. Sebastian!
The House of St. Sebastian honors the valor of our saint by wearing the color red. St. Sebastian was a brave soldier who joined the Roman army to help defend Christians who were being martyred. He miraculously survived being shot by multiple arrows, though he was later martyred. Our House seeks to model the self-sacrificing nature of St. Sebastian by being willing to fight for justice alongside our brothers and sisters in faith. St. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes, and our members focus on qualities such as sportsmanship and teamwork. St. Sebastian, pray for us!
House Motto
“May nothing threaten to destroy my belief in Christ.” -taken from a Prayer to St. Sebastian
Our 23-24 Captains
Jack - House Captain
I wanted to be a house captain to help my friends have fun and lead us to victory while also practicing our faith. The House of St. Sebastian has good leaders who strive for excellence!
Quinn - Service Captain
I enjoy participating in house games because my house never gives up. I enjoy being a leader and taking charge when needed. Shout out to my fellow captains, Connor and Jack, Without you the House of St. Sebastian would nobe complete.
Connor - Activities Captain
I enjoy making new friends with the people in my house and wanted to be a captain to help everyone feel like they belong somewhere with people they can connect with. The House of St. Sebastian is very enthusiastic and will always cheer on our teammates and show good sportsmanship.

Alumni Shout Out
Ella Abril - Class of 2022
My name is Ella and I was in the House of St. Sebastian last year. I loved the House program because it allowed me and the other students to become better acquainted with the kids a grade below us and those in our grade that we wouldn’t normally talk with. House also taught me how much goes into leading a team and how meeting new friends can really change your life!
For my House this year, I hope you all are keeping up the St. Sebastian spirit! Sebastian is an amazing House and you all are so lucky to be part of such a great program!


Welcome to the House of St. Teresa!
Mother Teresa, now known as St. Teresa of Calcutta, is the inspiration behind our House. We wear blue in honor of the Missionaries of Charity, founded by St. Teresa. As a nun in Calcutta, India, St. Teresa served the poorest of the poor. Like her, our members seek to give love and care to all those we encounter, no matter who they are. St. Teresa is the patron saint of World Youth Day, which reminds us that we are members of a worldwide family in Christ. St. Teresa’s modern example of selflessness and perseverance is a reminder to us that we are all called to serve with open hearts and hands. St. Teresa, pray for us!
House Motto
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” -St. Teresa
Our 23-24 Captains
Mackenzie - House Captain
I wanted to be a captain so that I could play a bigger part in house and be more engaged with the members of St. Teresa. Friday house meetings give us an opportunity to spend time with people not in our classes and cheer on the team. Shout outs to Addie for always being up for anything and Mya because she is always smiling and gives the House of St. Sebastion her good mood.
Isa - Service Captain
As a house captain, I want to be a great example and put in a lot of effort so that Team Blue can win. The House of St. Teresa is special because we can all be comfortable around each other and put in our best!
Addison - Activities Captain
My favorite things about house are being able to participate in the games and bond with others in our house. I also love that we get to be role modles for the younger grades. The House of St. Teresa stands out because we always try to do our best and everyone's loud voices help cheer on the rest of the team. Shout outs to Mackie and Briley for always being there to help, Max for cheering on the sidelines, Isa for keeing everyone organized, and Dom because even though he is a new student it seems like he has been here with us for a while!

Alumni Shoutout
Camilla Escobar - Class of 2022
House days were a time that we took to work together as a team and enjoy our time at school. I loved how you got to know some of the people from the grade below you and how much fun the House competitions were. St. Theresa House - I hope you win again this year!